There is no overloaded version of "SendMsg" that can be called with these arguments

I am upgrading a project from Delphi 2006 to Delphi XE2 and encountered a compilation error There is no overloaded version of "SendMsg" that can be called with these arguments. This is the code where the problem is.

procedure TMessageComms.UpgradeError(Msg: String);
  FConnection.SendMsg(cUpgradeError, Msg, FConnection.GetNextMsgID);


The SendMsg method looks like this.

procedure SendMsg(ACommand, AParamStr : String; AMsgID : Integer); overload;

procedure TMsgConnection.SendMsg(ACommand, AParamStr: String; AMsgID: Integer);
  // construct message
  // send message


cUpgradeError is const declared this way.

 cUpgradeError = 'UpgradeError';


And this is the GetNextMsgID function that returns Integer.

function TMsgConnection.GetNextMsgID: Integer;
  Result := FLastMsgID;


All parameters seem valid to me. I was able to narrow it down to the point that it has to do with the GetNextMsgID function, but not sure what. If I pass the value returned from the function to Integer, then it compiles fine, but I don't understand why I need it.


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1 answer

I'm guessing I'm FConnection.SendMsg(cUpgradeError, Msg, FConnection.GetNextMsgID);

trying to interpret FConnection.GetNextMsgID

as a function pointer instead of a function result.

Change it to FConnection.SendMsg(cUpgradeError, Msg, FConnection.GetNextMsgID());

so that it understands that you are looking for the result of a function.



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