How to convert data type (string) to type (form)

I have a form name stored in a string variable and I want to pass this string to a class that takes a form type

string Str = "MainForm";       // this is form name 
// I try to convert the data type string to form type like this
Form FormNm = (Form) Str ;
// there is the message appears cannot convert type 'sting'   to 'form'
TransLang.SaveControlsLanguage(FormNm);   // this is the class




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5 answers

  Form frm = (Form)asm.CreateInstance("WindowsFormsApplication1.<string>");


add this to your code.



string myType = "MyAssembly.MyType";

Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom("MyAssembly.dll"); // creating instance by loading from other assembly
//Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();  // for creating instance from same assembly
//Assembly asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); // for creating instance from entry assembly
Type t = asm.GetType(myType);

Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t, null, null);


since it is System.Windows.Form if u want to show u form can be done like

Form frm = obj as Form; // safely typecast
if (frm != null) // kewl it is of type Form
    //work with your form




you cannot directly convert string

to form

. you have to create a new form and set the form name to the appropriate line.



Well, you can't basically. What you can do is define a custom casting operator that, based on some logic given by a given string, creates a form. But that would be a pretty wired solution.

Instead, just redesign your code and build the form based on the provided string. For example:

//Dictionary of the string versus Forms
Dictionary<string,Form> data = new Dictionary<string,Form> {
   { "string1", new Form1()}, //different form type are associated
   { "string2", new Form2()}  // to different string keys

public Form GetForm(string value){    
   return data [value];


Just an idea, an architect, what you need.



You can use this code,

Form newForm = (Form)asm.CreateInstance("WindowsFormsApplication1.<string>");




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