Rotate a custom geometric mesh around its center point

When we add a CustomGeometry to a scene with vertex definitions and don't set a position, how can we make it rotate around its center point?


In the example code, the object rotates around the X axis. I need to rotate it around its center point.

Hint: The red cubic grid is the starting center point of the rotating object. I need to rotate it around the x-axis of the red cube ... I tried a lot but still couldn't.


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2 answers

One solution is to translate the mesh geometry and compensate by changing the mesh position, for example:

var offset = objMesh.centroid.clone();
objMesh.geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation( -offset.x, -offset.y, -offset.z ) );
objMesh.position.copy( objMesh.centroid );


updated script:

PS You don't need to save your violin before running it. There is no reason to have so many versions.

three.js r.55



You can use the center of the bounding box, which will mostly be the "middle" of your vertices, but it is not guaranteed to fall on the red cube.



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