Scrapy: why doesn't my response object have body_as_unicode method?

I wrote a spider that worked brilliantly the first time around. The second time I tried to run it it didn't go out of scope start_urls

. I tried to fetch

point the url in scrapy shell

and create an object HtmlXPathSelector

from the returned response. That is, when I got the error

So, there were the following steps: `

[scrapy shell] fetch('') #its something other than example.
[scrapy shell] from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector
[scrapy shell] hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)




AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-a486208adf1e> in <module>()
----> 1 HtmlXPathSelector(response)

/home/codefreak/project-r42catalog/env-r42catalog/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapy/selector/lxmlsel.pyc in __init__(self, response, text, namespaces, _root, _expr)
     29                 body=unicode_to_str(text, 'utf-8'), encoding='utf-8')
     30         if response is not None:
---> 31             _root = LxmlDocument(response, self._parser)
     33         self.namespaces = namespaces

/home/codefreak/project-r42catalog/env-r42catalog/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapy/selector/lxmldocument.pyc in __new__(cls, response, parser)
     25         if parser not in cache:
     26             obj = object_ref.__new__(cls)
---> 27             cache[parser] = _factory(response, parser)
     28         return cache[parser]

/home/codefreak/project-r42catalog/env-r42catalog/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapy/selector/lxmldocument.pyc in _factory(response, parser_cls)
     11 def _factory(response, parser_cls):
     12     url = response.url
---> 13     body = response.body_as_unicode().strip().encode('utf8') or '<html/>'
     14     parser = parser_cls(recover=True, encoding='utf8')
     15     return etree.fromstring(body, parser=parser, base_url=url)



AttributeError: 'Response' object has no attribute 'body_as_unicode'


Am I missing something very obvious or stumbled upon a mistake in therapy?


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1 answer


is the TextResponse method . TextResponse or one of its subclasses such as HtmlResponse will be generated by scrapy if the HTTP response contains text content.

In [1]: fetch('')
In [2]: type(response)
Out[2]: scrapy.http.response.html.HtmlResponse
In [3]: fetch('')
In [4]: type(response)
Out[4]: scrapy.http.response.Response


In your case, the most likely explanation is that violin therapy thinks the answer contains no text.

Is the HTTP response from the server responding correctly to the Content-Type header? Is it displayed correctly in the browser? These questions will help you understand if the behavior or error was expected.



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