TexImage2D: width or height out of range, chrome 24

I've just started learning the good things Three.js has to offer.

Now, while trying to render a sphere with a texture, I ran into a problem.

I created a photosphere image and tried to load it into the sphere.

I'm using the WebGL render builder in Three.js (got the latest zip from GIThub).

I am concerned about two things:

  • The sphere, including the texture, renders fine in both FF and Safari, but not in Chrome (24.0.1312.52).
  • When I try another image, from @kennydude's example on github , it works in all three tested browsers.

The only sign that something is wrong with Chrome is I get this warning:

WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: texImage2D: width or height out of range

My script is completely based on @kennydude example. I traced the error all the way back to Three.js r file. 55 on line 25330. That's as far as I can get.

To run webGL in Chrome, I disabled the blacklist (my GPU showed up on this list).

Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated.


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1 answer

Try resizing the image two sizes, for example 4096x1024.



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