How do I calculate the average time it takes to post comments on a stackexchange using SQL?

I'm looking for a SQL query that calculates the average time for comments (measured per month).

I was able to write a query that measures the average time between the original datetime post and the datetime comment, but still this is not correct, since the time must be measured between the current comment and the previous one as they relate to most times.

  dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, Comments.creationdate),0) [Date],
  AVG(CAST(DATEDIFF(hour, Posts.CreationDate, Comments.creationdate ) AS BigInt)) [DelayHours]
  from comments
    INNER JOIN posts ON Comments.PostId = Posts.Id
    dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, Comments.creationdate),0)



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1 answer

I think something like this should work. Sorry, I cannot verify this at the moment; I am sorry if I made a typo.

WITH cte1 AS
SELECT c.PostId, c.creationdate, 
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.PostId ORDER BY c.creationdate) AS rn
FROM comments c
SELECT dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, a.creationdate),0) [Date],
AVG(diff_hr) AS avg_diff
  SELECT a1.PostId, a1.creationdate,
   WHEN a1.rn = 1 THEN 
    CAST(DATEDIFF(hour,p.creationdate,a1.creationdate) AS BIGINT) 
    CAST(DATEDIFF(hour,a2.creationdate,a1.creationdate) AS BIGINT) 
  END AS diff_hr
  FROM cte1 a1
  INNER JOIN posts p ON (p.Id = a1.PostId)
  LEFT JOIN cte1 a2 ON (a2.PostId = a1.PostId AND a2.rn = a1.rn-1)
GROUP BY dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, a.creationdate),0)


Update For SQLServer 2012 the LAG

solution will be simplified ... I noticed the version comment too late.

Update 2 Bug fixes (omitted sentence FROM

and p.PostId

changed to p.Id

to match table definition)



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