UICollectionView Tap selects more than one cell

I have a weird issue when clicking one UICell in a UICollectionView and then scrolling down or up in the UICollectionView. I can see that more than one cell is selected. The rest of the cells that are not selected appear to be randomly selected in the UICollectionView layout. I have 3 columns of cells and many rows in a UICollectionView.

In my code, I have the following:

- (void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)myCV didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    LogInfo(@"Item Selected");
    // highlight the cell user tapped on
    UICollectionViewCell  *cell = [myCV cellForItemAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    [cell.layer setBorderWidth:10.0f];
    cell.layer.borderColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 108/255. green: 166/255. blue: 16/255. alpha:1.0].CGColor;
    cell.layer.CornerRadius = 10;



The highlighting code just puts a border on the found cell.

Is there a way to ensure that only the selected cell is selected?


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1 answer

Is it because cells can be reused correctly? that's why you are getting this result.


  • Save the selected index path somewhere.

  • Subclass your cell from UICollectionViewCell, then override the UICollectionViewCell prepareForReuse method , you need to reset from all the formatting you did (in the didSelectItemAtIndexPath method) to their default values ​​and make the cell ready to use again. More on prepareForReuse here

  • Apply the same formatting again in cellForRowItemAtIndexPath to the selected cell that the index path was stored first. here it is!

But in the end, I would guess that there is no need to do any type of cell formatting here. Try to understand UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes and use it to do things like this there.



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