List <string> in C ++

I'm cool with C #, but I'm new to C ++. I have searched but found many different solutions which mostly do not work, possibly because different versions of C ++ exist.

I am using turbo C ++ 4.5, I need something like C # List of strings

List<string> s = new List<string>();


I do know a bit about C ++ arrays, but I don't know the number of elements at the time of declaration and why I want to use a List like this so that I can declare once and add elements later.

someone told me that I should be doing this with pointers, but I don't know how. Is it possible? or are there any ways?

Please, if you have an answer, please explain why I really love learning, thank you.


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1 answer

The C # equivalent List<T>

is std::vector<T>

. C ++ code that matches your C # code:

using namespace std;
vector<string> s;


You shouldn't take advice to write such a class for yourself. If they fit, always use standard containers.



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