Converting html pages to php can lead to search engine rankings?

Possible Duplicate:
Will changing the file extension affect the SE rating?

One of my clients owns a large website (over 4000 pages) developed in html, needs redesigning, but doesn't want us to use open source or php because he thinks he can give up on search engine rankings. Working on 4000 pages without php added a ton of work. How to avoid this without losing your search engine rank.

Site retention # 1 on google.


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2 answers

You can still use the .html extension and use PHP. Search engines don't know or care what server-side language you are using, so you can use PHP without affecting SEO at all.



... but he doesn't want us to use open source or php because he thinks he can lower the search engine rankings.

Is he concerned about file extensions like .php

, .jsp

or .aspx

? The file extension is part of the page URL and does not affect the page's ranking. However, if you have an existing page url with one extension (for example .html

) and you change it to another extension, say .php

, then the page url changes and affects Google rankings.

But Google is aware of these changes and they recommend using 301 redirects ( link ) from old urls to new ones (like in your case /foo.html

before /foo.php




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