Linq cast convertion Xelement error

I am trying to parse an XML document like this:

var locs = from node in doc.Descendants("locations")                              
select new
    ID = (double)Convert.ToDouble(node.Attribute("id")),
    File = (string)node.Element("file"),
    Location = (string)node.Element("location"),
    Postcode = (string)node.Element("postCode"),
    Lat = (double)Convert.ToDouble(node.Element("lat")),
    Lng = (double)Convert.ToDouble(node.Element("lng"))


I am getting the error:

Cannot overlay object of type 'System.Xml.Linq.XElement' on type 'System.IConvertible'.

When I check the node value, I am getting all the elements from the child locations correctly, but it doesn't want to split it for me. I have checked errors like this but cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions?


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2 answers

You don't need to convert elements or attributes to double. Just add them to double:

var locs = from node in doc.Descendants("locations")
           select new
               ID = (double)node.Attribute("id"),
               File = (string)node.Element("file"),
               Location = (string)node.Element("location"),
               Postcode = (string)node.Element("postCode"),
               Lat = (double)node.Element("lat"),
               Lng = (double)node.Element("lng")


Linq to Xml supports explicit translation operators .

And yes, it XElement

does not implement an interface IConvertable

, so you cannot pass it to a method Convert.ToDouble(object value)

. Your code will work by passing the node value to the method Convert.ToDouble(string value)

. Like this:

Lat = Convert.ToDouble(node.Element("lat").Value)


But again, it's better to just put node in double

. Or up to double?

(nullable) if it is possible that you may be missing an attribute or element in your xml. Accessing the property Value

in this case will raise the value NullReferenceException




You don't just lose property .Value

                  var locs = from node in doc.Descendants("locations")

                  select new
                      ID = Convert.ToDouble(node.Attribute("id").Value),
                      File = node.Element("file").Value,
                      Location = node.Element("location").Value,
                      Postcode = node.Element("postCode").Value,
                      Lat = Convert.ToDouble(node.Element("lat").Value),
                      Lng = Convert.ToDouble(node.Element("lng").Value)




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