Javascript array php style

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Associative arrays in Javascript?

Is it possible in javascript to do something like this:

array('one' => 'value-1','two'=> 'value-2');


And after that, get access to this as $var['one']

well as return value-1

. I'm new to JS and google didn't give me a good answer.


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4 answers

Yes and no - you can create an object like this:

var theObject = { one: "value 1", two: "value 2" };


but it is not an array. True arrays in JavaScript have strictly numeric indices. (You can add string name properties to a JavaScript array object, but they are not counted in the .length


edit - to add properties to an object (or any object) you can use the operators .

or []


theObject.newProperty = "something new";

theObject[ computeNewPropertyName() ] = "wow";


The second example shows an operator []

that is used when the property name is dynamically evaluated in some way (in the example, by calling a function, but it can be any expression).



Yes, it is called an object:

var your_object = {
    'one': 'value-1',
    'two': 'value-2'




hah))) in normal languages ​​this is called a dictionary))) In javascript you can create a dictionary or object like this

    a = {"one":"value-1", "two":"value-2"}


a ["one"] returns "value-1"




Array (ordered, indexed set of elements):

var myArray = [


Object (a jumbled collection of key properties):

var myObject = {
    'one': 'value-1',
    'two': 'value-2'




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