Reduce the number of lines of code

Is there a way to compress this code? What it does is after a period of 100ms when the timer goes off and it puts the next letter. Is there a smaller version of the code?

I just want it to print the text one character at a time.

private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You right there?")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right there??";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You right there")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right there?";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You right ther")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right there";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You right the")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right ther";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You right th")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right the";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You right t")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right th";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You right ")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right t";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You right")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right ";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You righ")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You right";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You rig")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You righ";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You ri")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You rig";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You r")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You ri";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You ")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You r";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... You")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You ";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... Yo")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... You";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... Y")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... Yo";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm... ")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... Y";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm...")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm... ";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm..")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm...";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm.")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm..";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hmm")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm.";
        if (textBox2.Text == "Hm")
            textBox2.Text = "Hmm";
        if (textBox2.Text == "H")
            textBox2.Text = "Hm";
        if (textBox2.Text == "")
            textBox2.Text = "H";



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2 answers

string fullText = "Hmm... You right there??";
int currentPos = 0;

private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    textBox2.Text = fullText.Substring(0, currentPos);

    if (currentPos == fullText.Length)


(Note, not tested)



string all = "Hmm... You right there??";
if (textBox1.Text.Length < all.Length)
    textBox1.Text += all[textBox1.Text.Length];




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