C ++, are fstream objects passed to functions as reference, const?

I know that generally, data references should be isolated as a constant within a function so that the function cannot change it, is the same true for fstream objects that are used only for input?

Such as the...

void doFoo(fstream &fileName)
  fileName.open("data.txt", ios::in);


IF it makes sense, should he follow the same logic of most others?

Such as the...

void doFoo(const fstream &fileName)
  fileName.open("data.txt", ios::in);


also interested in output streams as well

I'm just wondering if this matters, and if so, why?



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2 answers

The file constant is not converted to a constant attribute of the object used to access the file. Even for a simple file read, you have to change internal buffers, current read position, etc. The same goes for output, so basically const stream is not useful.

BTW: If you want to clarify that a function only reads from a stream, pass it std::istream&

. First, the "i" in istream

makes sure you are not writing to it. Second, the missing "f" from fstream

is usable with string streams or streams such as cin.



If you pass an object (like an instance fstream

) as a constant reference, you can only call const

member functions on it, like this:

// In some class declaration
void aConstMember(int a) const;


This is because such functions do not change the state of the object, so the object can be const

. Non-const member functions can modify member variables, so the object will no longer be const. Now if you look at the reference manual for fstream

, you will see that the member function is open()

not constant. Therefore, the second code example will not compile.

In general: pass class type arguments as const &

if they will not be changed in the function. Opening a stream is definitely a modification. So just pass it by non-const reference.



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