Java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException when calling List.remove (index)

Possible duplicate:
Why am I getting an UnsupportedOperationException when trying to remove from the list?

When I call List.remove (index) or list.remove (element) it throws a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException. The only relevant error code is:

17:08:10 [SEVERE]       at java.util.AbstractList.remove(Unknown Source)


Here's an example:

String line = "cmd /say This is a test";
String[] segments = line.split(" ");
String cmd = segments[0];
List rest = Arrays.asList(segments);
rest.remove(0); // This line raises the exception


Does anyone know why this is happening? In my activation code, I have checked and there is an item at index 0 that needs to be removed.


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1 answer

From Arrays.asList()


Returns a fixed-size list supported by the specified array. (Changes to the returned "write through" list to an array.)

So instead of a fixed size list:

List rest = Arrays.asList(segments);


create a new list of variables:

List<String> rest = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(segments));




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