Compiling coffee binaries

If I am writing my entire project in CoffeeScript, how do I write my binaries?

#!/usr/bin/env coffee
# My program sits here


Then, after compiling, I lose the shebang:

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
// My program sits here


I was hoping it would turn into something like:

#!/usr/bin/env node
// My program sits here


Is it possible? Or I need to rethink the way I work.


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2 answers

As you may have guessed, you probably want a script to help you add the shebang line you need. I usually create a Cakefile task to do the necessary compilation and add the appropriate first line.



The trick is to NOT put the .coffee extension in your "binary" file and compile it.

I also recommend not placing signficant logic in binary. Most likely you have a binary starter source.

In general, each of my binaries are in a directory /bin

from the root of my project and only have these two lines (for example, my CoffeeDocTest project on GitHub here ):

#!/usr/bin/env coffee
require(__dirname + '/../src/coffeedoctest')


You will also want to run chmod 755 <filename>

on it to make it executable.

Look here for an example of how main starts

and handles command line options etc.



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