C ++ Python converts data from vector to ndarray

I am creating a C ++ project that includes some python. I used to boost::python

, but now I'm stuck. I have some data stored in a std::vector

. The data needs to be sent to python in order to do some calculations. The Python NumPy functions I use need formatted data ndarray

, so I need a way to transform it. Since I want to do something else with the results in C ++, I want to convert the result back from ndarray

to std::vector


How to convert std::vector

to ndarray

and vice versa? Can anyone post some sample code? I know there is a lib called boost.numpy

, but are there any other ways because I was unable to build this library ...

Can I be used boost::python::numeric

for a job? Can anyone provide some sample code?

Is this possible without copying the data?


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1 answer

Perhaps you are ready to use the C Numpy API .

You have to look in C / C ++ PyArray_SimpleNewFromData

to create a new ndarray in your C ++ code.

This post might help.



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