Power iPad Retina Simulator for MacBook Air Screen

On my MB Air, the iPad (retina) simulator, even at its smallest size (50% size), does not fit on screen, requiring awkard scrolling. Does anyone know which property can be edited or do something even less than 50%?


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2 answers

You can use cmd key modifiers to resize:

  • Cmd + 1 - original
  • Cmd + 2 - less
  • Cmd + 3 is the smallest (this works best on my Macbook Air 11)


Unfortunately not, from what I've found. This link from a similar question explains,

it seems reasonable for accurate rendering profiling that it maintains a 1 to 1 pixel ratio, otherwise it will have to resample the pixels, causing the profiling to be incorrect.

I'm using 13MB, so I realize it's hard to fit an iPad simulator onto the screen.



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