Interrupting the keyboard in a program waiting for an event

The following program hangs on the terminal in such a way that it ignores Ctrl+C

. This is quite annoying as I have to restart the terminal every time one of the threads hangs.

Is there a way to catch KeyboardInterrupt

while waiting for an event?

import threading
def main():
    finished_event = threading.Event()
    finished_event.wait()#I want to stop the program here
def startThread(evt):
    """Start a thread that will trigger evt when it is done"""
if __name__ == '__main__':



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3 answers

Update: As of current Python 3 is finished_event.wait()

running on my Ubuntu machine (since Python 3.2). You don't need to supply a parameter timeout

in order to interrupt it with Ctrl+C. You need to pass a parameter timeout

to CPython 2.

Here's a complete sample code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import threading

def f(event):
    while True:
    # never reached, otherwise event.set() would be here

event = threading.Event()
threading.Thread(target=f, args=[event], daemon=True).start()
    print('Press Ctrl+C to exit')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print('got Ctrl+C')


Maybe bugs , associated with the Ctrl + the C . Check if it works in your environment.

Old poll answer:

You can try to allow the interpreter to start the main thread:

while not finished_event.wait(.1): # timeout in seconds


If you just want to wait for the child thread to execute:

while thread.is_alive():




If you want to avoid polling, you can use pause()

the signal module function instead finished_event.wait()

. signal.pause()

is a blocking function and is unblocked when a signal is received by a process. In this case, when the ^ C key is pressed, the SIGINT signal will unlock the function. Please note that this feature does not work on Windows according to the documentation. I tried this on Linux and it worked for me.

I found this solution on this SO thread .



You can also fix the Event.wait () function like this:

def InterruptableEvent():
    e = threading.Event()

    def patched_wait():
        while not e.is_set():

    e._wait = e.wait
    e.wait = patched_wait
    return e

>>> event = InterruptableEvent()
>>> try:
...     event.wait()
... except KeyboardInterrupt:
...     print "Received KeyboardInterrupt"
^CReceived KeyboardInterrupt


This works because wait () with a timeout argument calls KeyboardInterrupt.



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