Open CV - Python RGB to GRAY Converter

I wanted to encode this RGB to black and white converter without built-in Open-CV function. This is how my code looks like

import cv2 , numpy
def GrayConvertor(img):

    rows , cols , layers = img.shape

    matrix = numpy.zeros((rows , cols))

    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(cols):
            val = 0.114 * (img[i][j][0]) + 0.587 * (img[i][j][1]) + 0.299 * (img[i][j][2])
            fraction = val - int(val)
            if fraction >= 0.5:
                matrix[i][j] = (int(val) + 1) 

                matrix[i][j] = int(val) 
    cv2.imshow("gray" , matrix)


However it shows a blank image, any ideas?


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2 answers

When you create an array matrix

with np.zeros

, the default is assigned to it dtype=float

. So even if you round up and convert your values ​​to int

, when you write them to, matrix

they are stored as float

s. If you've read the docs forcv.imshow

, you'll find the following:

  • If the image is a 32-bit floating point, the pixel values ​​are multiplied by 255. That is, the value range [0,1] is mapped to [0255].

This way, everything in your image is multiplied by 255, which results in the final result.

You can do two things:

  • Floating point matrix

    , skip all rounding and divide the values ​​by 255.
  • Explicitly create matrix

    with dtype='uint8'

    and leave everything unchanged.

There is also the fact that you are not making good use of numpy's capabilities. The two options I gave you above, you can code without loops or matrix assignments, since

rgb2k = np.array([0.114, 0.587, 0.299])
matrix_int = np.round(np.sum(img * rgb2k, axis=-1)).astype('uint8')
matrix_float = np.sum(img * rgb2k, axis=-1) / 255





import cv2 , numpy
def GrayConvertor(img):

    rows , cols , layers = img.shape

    matrix = numpy.zeros((rows , cols))

    for i in range(rows):
        for j in range(cols):
            val = 0.114 * (img[i][j][0]) + 0.587 * (img[i][j][1]) + 0.299 * (img[i][j][2])
                matrix[i][j] = round(val) 
    cv2.imshow("gray" , matrix)




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