PHP.INI and session.save_path and ElastiCache


session.save_path string Specifies the comma separating the server URLs to use to store the session, for example "tcp: // host1: 11211, TCP: // host2 :. 11211"

Q: AWS ElastiCache provides node endpoints and a configuration endpoint (which I believe is the DNS-CNAME for the ElastiCache cluster).

If I put the config endpoint value in session.save_path

, does it mean that sessions are using a cluster and not a specific node and therefore always using the active node?

I understand that when reloading / deleting a node, the saved data will be lost and therefore sessions on that node will be lost.

Thank you!


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1 answer

No, it doesn't work. You need to use the Amacon memcached client, which supports auto-discovery.



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