The app icon is not displayed in the user channel via [APP NAME]

I am successfully submitting an image to a user's feed using "me / photos" from my iOS app that I am developing. It appears in the feed, along with the text below:

Like ยท Comment ยท Post ยท 7 minutes ago via [APP NAME] ยท

[APPLICATION NAME] is a link and it correctly navigates to the Facebook app page. Everything is good.

However, there is a small icon in front of "Like" and it looks like this is the default image icon, not my app icon. (Note that it has a link and navigates to the app page correctly).

How can I change it to become an application icon?


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1 answer

you control the icons displayed in emails (as well as other aspects of your facebook app) on the Facebook developer page.

Take a look at:

Find your app and select edit app

. here you can enter display name, icons and more.



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