Timing for a recursive algorithm with constant combination time

Suppose I have a recursive algorithm that splits an input into 2 n-1 inputs and solves them recursively. It combines the results at a constant time, say c.

So, let's formulate the equation for this,

T (n) = 2T (n-1) + c

To find the complexity of this, I used the recursive tree method. Since the input is divisible by 2 at each step, the number of nodes will get a square at each step, whereas once only one item is eliminated, each level will lose only one item from the list.

Therefore, I believe that the complexity of this problem should be & Theta; (n 2 )

I am correct in this thought process. If not, what am I doing wrong?



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3 answers

The number of nodes at each step does not get squared. Instead, it doubles up at every level. For example, the number of nodes in

  • problem size n: 1
  • problem size n - 1: 2
  • problem size n - 2: 4
  • problem size n - 3: 8
  • problem size n - 4: 16
  • ...
  • size of problem n - i: 2 i

As a result, the total number of nodes in the recursion tree will be 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + 2 n = 2 n + 1 - 1. Accordingly, the work done will be c2 n + 1 - c, which is? (2 n ). This is exponential time, not quadratic time.

Hope this helps!



Complexity is actually exponentially Omega(2^n)


Prove this using mathematical induction . For simplicity, supposec=1

Claim: T(n) >= 2^n
Base: T(0) = 1 (Let take it as assumption)
Assume the claim is true for each k<n and using it let prove:
T(n) = 2*T(n-1) + 1 >= 2*2^(n-1) + 1 = 2^n + 1 > 2^n


Now, to complete it, let it show that this is also O(2^n)

, and we will end this Theta(2^n)


Claim: T(n) <= 2*2^n - 1
Base: T(0) = 1 = 2 -1 
Assume the claim is true for each k<n and using it let prove:
T(n) = 2*T(n-1) + 1 <= 2 * (2*2^(n-1) -1 ) + 1 = 2*2^n -2 + 1 = 2*2^n -1 


As you can see, we actually end up with exactly 2*2^n-1

(The <= can be easily replaced with = in the above proof), which is what @templatetypedef showed



from T (n + 1) = 2T (n) + c we have:

T(n+1) + c = 2T(n) + 2c
T(n+1) + c = 2( T(n) + c )
T(n+1) + c = 2^n (T(0) + c)
T(n+1) = 2^n (T(0) + c) - c


which gives the complexity Θ (2 ^ n).



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