Setting ClaimTypes.Name does not result in .name identifier

I am playing with the requested permission in .net 4.5. It works really well. But I have a promising problem.

I thought username must be specified to set claim type to name

I have verified that ident.NameClaimType has the same meaning as ClaimTypes.Name Both are

I have set a new requirement. Which I can see is part of the identity requirements. but Identity.Name is still empty.

what am I doing wrong?

  ClaimsIdentity ident = (ClaimsIdentity)incomingPrincipal.Identity;

  ident.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, resourceName));



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1 answer

I had the same problem where my claims id was not set AuthenticationType

. After I walked through AuthenticationType

in the constructor ClaimsIdentity

it worked.



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