WPF: Best way to render WriteableBitmap if bitmap is updated frequently

I am currently implementing a wideband sonar display using WriteableBitmap in WPF. The waterfall broadband sonar display starts at the top and over time the history data moves downward, with the first โ€œlineโ€ always showing the current situation.

Technically, I first move the content of the Bitmap using WriteableBitmap.CopyPixels (), after which I update the array to update the current row (top) of the Drive.

My problem is - while updating the bitmap - the screen flickers. I tried to write my own WritePixels implementation:

 public static unsafe void WritePixels(WriteableBitmap writeableBitmap, BitmapProperties bitmapProperties)

       IntPtr buff = writeableBitmap.BackBuffer;

       byte* pbuff = (byte*)buff.ToPointer();

        for (int i = 0; i < bitmapProperties.BitmapArray.Length; i += bitmapProperties.BytesPerPixel)
            pbuff[i] = bitmapProperties.BitmapArray[i];
            pbuff[i + 1] = bitmapProperties.BitmapArray[i + 1];
            pbuff[i + 2] = bitmapProperties.BitmapArray[i + 2];
            pbuff[i + 3] = bitmapProperties.BitmapArray[i + 3];


        writeableBitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, (int)writeableBitmap.Width, (int)writeableBitmap.Height));



Unfortunately, the ouctome is the same.

I've seen some similar questions here (medical ultrasound display implementation), but it's a little different here, since I'm not getting an image from a third party C ++ interface, but I'm drawing and copying the bitmap myself (modifying / copying the bitmap). Decorating (updating the bitmap) should be done every ~ 250 milliseconds.

What would be my best pick here ... working with a cached bitmap? I have little experience when it comes to low-level bitmap operations in WPF (I'm using WPF 4.5).


EDIT: I compared it to a reference application written in C ++ / DirectX: To my surprise, I can see "flickering" even there. There may be some optical effects that disturb the eyes, etc. However, this question still matters if there is a better approach than my current implementation.


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1 answer

Have you tried to measure if there is enough time to update the entire image? Maybe double buffering can help you:

  • Copy all bitmaps
  • Add your changes or replace the copy of the image in the background thread.
  • If the job is done, switch the prepared image from the background thread with the currently visible image
  • Make changes again to the image that is not currently visible and so on ...


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