How to ask if a string variable can be parsed to an int variable?

What I can use will return a boolean variable that will indicate if I can safely parse the string or not?

1847 will return true 18o2 will return false

And please, nothing complicated ...


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5 answers

You can use int.TryParse

int result = 0;
bool success = int.TryParse("123", out result);


Here, success will be true if it is processed successfully, and false the other is wise and the result will be parse int.



Use int.TryParse


int i;
bool canBeParsed = int.TryParse("1847", out i);
    Console.Write("Number is: " + i);




var str = "18o2"
int num = 0;

bool canBeParsed = Int32.TryParse(str, out num);




You should take a look at TryParse method



I have been using these extension methods for years. Maybe a little more "complicated" in the beginning, but their use is very simple. You can expand the most simple types of values, including Int16

, Int64

, Boolean

, DateTime

and so on, using the same template.

using System;

namespace MyLibrary
    public static class StringExtensions
        public static Int32? AsInt32(this string s)
            Int32 result;       
            return Int32.TryParse(s, out result) ? result : (Int32?)null;

        public static bool IsInt32(this string s)
            return s.AsInt32().HasValue;

        public static Int32 ToInt32(this string s)
            return Int32.Parse(s);


To use them, simply include MyLibrary

in the list of namespaces with a declaration using


"1847".IsInt32(); // true
"18o2".IsInt32(); // false

var a = "1847".AsInt32();
a.HasValue; //true

var b = "18o2".AsInt32();
b.HasValue; // false;

"18o2".ToInt32(); // with throw an exception since it can't be parsed.




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