Convert HTML encoded & lt; br / & gt; in html new line tag in jquery.text ()

I have text in a variable sometext

that I want to assign div

using $('div').text(sometext);

. The problem is that everyone <br/>

is sometext

turning into &lt; br/ &gt;

. I cannot use $('div').html()

because there is a lot of internal structure that I want to store in div

, so I can only use the function .text()


So, once I have passed the text over div

, is there a way to change the encoded tag <br/>

to a real line break in HTML? I mean something like this:




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2 answers

The requested function should look like this:

$.fn.convertMyBRsToHTML = function(text){
    return this;


Now you can use:

$(YOUR_SELECTOR).convertMyBRsToHTML("<b>Some</b> new text.<br />next line<br />and so on");




You can replace <br>

before setting the text:

$('div').text(sometext.replace(/<br\s*\/?>/gi, '\n');




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