Android 4.2 - LD_PRELOAD is supported or not?

I wonder if LD_PRELOAD is supported by newer Android versions?

During 4.0 ICS this was not the case, and the documentation (NDK docs / SYSTEM-ISSUES.html) also has:

No support for LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_PRELOAD, RTLD_LOCAL and many other options.


But a few days ago I used LD_LIBRARY_PATH on my Android 4.2 Galaxy Nexus and it worked (!).

Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

Generally speaking, LD_LIBRARY_PATH

worked on engineering builds (aka rooted devices) for quite some time. The problem is that it doesn't help to create the assembly - not because the loader has changed, but because the environment for your application is protected.



Although the official NDK-r9d documentation still says the same thing, it turns out that LD_PRELOAD does work on rooted devices. Run

adb shell
setprop LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/your/


after clicking library to device. I tried this on ANDROID-19 emulator to provide an alternative function definition.

Check out this link -



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