Variable Value Go to another form, VB.Net

I have two public variables, each with two different forms.

Public UserNo As String

Public MyUserNo As String


In my Form2.VB file I am assigning the UserNo value from Form1.VB

Form1.UserNo = MyUserNo


Whenever I access Form1.VB, the value MyUserNo is empty, what should I do? Both forms are not closed.

I have also tried to re-assign the value when I need to use it in Form1.VB

UserNo = Form2.MyUserNo



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8 answers

First correct syntax:

Public UserNo As String

Public MyUserNo As String

In Form1


Second thing : You must first store some value in MyUserNo before storing it in UserNo. This is why you are getting empty.



You can have multiple instances of a form, you know. Forms are objects, just like everything else. You need a variable in every form to hold a reference to an instance of every form you use.



If you don't call InitializeComponent (), your full GUI won't show up.

... InitializeComponent () Form1.UserNo = MyUserNo ...



Make the variable static / Shared and try again, it should work.



Try the following:

[Form1.UserNo = form2.MyUserNo]




What you need to do is create your variables in the module as private and then create multiple evaluators for them.


Module modVariables

Private strUserNoSTR as String = New String(String.Empty)
 Public Property getUserNoSTR() As String
            Return strUserNoSTR
        End Get
        Set(ByVal strUserNo As String)
            strUserNoSTR = strUserNo
        End Set
    End Property

    Private strMyUserNoSTR As String = New String(String.Empty)
    Public Property getMyUserNoSTR As String
            Return strMyUserNoSTR
        End Get
        Set(ByVal strMyUserNo As String)
            strMyUserNoSTR = strMyUserNo
        End Set
    End Property
End Module


After creating the public getter and setter methods, you may notice that your two private variables are inside them when you create variables that are accessible from any form.

The reason why you loose the value of variables is that when you try to access its value from another form (basically you call it from another class) the compiler has to create a new instance of that variable and when that happens the variable is returned to its original value, which is of type empty string

. Calling them from a module does not allow re-instantiation.

How to use them:

To get the strMyUserNo value, you call getter strMyUserNoSTR:

TextBox.Text = getMyUserNoSTR


To set the strMyUserNoSTR value:

getMyUserNoSTR = someValuePlacedInThisVariable  'This sets it value.
TextBox.Text = getMyUserNoSTR 'Now it value is someValuePlacedInThisVariable.




it works to
add it to shape what you want the value in the following form

Function getvariable()
    Return (VARIABLE)
End Function


In the following form to get the variables

VARIABLE2 = Form.getvariable()




Use variable value as Public

For example

In form 1:

Public Str1 as String


So, in Form2, you can use:





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