Can't resolve android resource strings

I am learning Android and I have what I find to be a strange problem.

in / res / values ​​/ strings.xml I have:

<string name="titleStatus">Status Update</string>


in / res / layout / activity_status.xml I have:

<!-- Title TextView-->
<TextView android:layout_width="match_parent"
  android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="center"
  android:layout_margin="10dp" android:text="@string/titleStatus"/>


However, when viewing activity_status.xml, an error occurs:

Error: The resource could not be found that matches the specified name (in 'text' with value '@ string / titleStatus'). activity_status.xml

Then I realized that it might help to use "Project | Clean", but I get the same problem (and now without the auto-generated class)

I am following this tutorial / book:


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2 answers

Whenever you add something to a resource file and try to use it in another without saving it first, you will get an error.

Normal ctrl+s

just saves the file you are in, so compilation will happen unchanged in the other file.

Clicking ctrl-shift-s

saves the changes in all open files (the same as in File -> Save All


Personally, I hit ctrl-shift-o

, ctrl-shift-f

and ctrl-shift-s

every time I had to keep some change for the organization of import, format the code to correct the indentation etc. and save all changes.



It looks like your R file is not generating correctly. Can you view build errors (if any) using eclipse. If you are not sure if your R file is generated correctly and the titleStatus is in it



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