Reading multiple XML files with BaseX

Hi I'm new to BaseX and I'm trying to read a bunch of XML files from a folder. After reading these files, I will output the data to a database table (some RDBMS). But I lost out on where to start as I can't find many tutorials on working with BaseX. I searched the internet but still didn't help much. Can someone please help me with this.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

Use CREATE DB yourdbname /path/to/folder

to create a database containing all documents in this folder. To access documents , use collection("yourdbname")

. If you need access to a specific file, use collection("yourdbname/document.xml")


To request all of these files, you can do something like

for $document in collection("yourdbname")
return string-join((
    ": ",


which will return all document paths with their respectful node counts.

For further reading take a look at BaseX's getting started section , you should be able to find all the information you need. For storing data in DBMS using SQL see SQL module , there are also some examples.



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