
Understanding options_for_select with map in Rails

<form id="earnings_select" action="<%= publishers_earnings_statements_url %>" method="get">
  <% unless current_publisher.earnings_statements.all.size == 0 %>
    <%= select_tag 'id', 
                   options_for_select(current_publisher.earnings_statements.all.map{|s| [s.label, s.id.to_s]}, params[:id]),
                   :id => 'earnings_select_id' %>  
    <input type="submit" value="Go">
  <% end %>


What is the code I have ... can someone explain what the bit is for current_publisher.earnings_statements.all.map{|s| [s.label, s.id.to_s]}


I'm not a Rails expert and don't understand what that means. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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1 answer

The map creates a new array based on what is returned by the block passed to it. In this case, it returns an array of arrays that contains the label and ID from earning_statements. It would look like

[[label1, id1], [label2, id2]]


This array is then used as an option for the select tag. The label is the display text, and the ID is a link to the choice the user makes.



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