Can I emulate a tag using PN532 without secure IC?

I am trying to emulate a tag on PN532. I need this to interface with a device that only supports tags in its API, but not LLCP or other P2P protocol.

I want to handle read / write using host controller. Any type of emulated tag will be fine (Mifare, Felica, etc.), but my solution doesn't include the protected element.

I think Mifare Ultralight would be perfect. Since it doesn't include encryption (simple read and write), can it be emulated more easily than any other?

In short, is it possible to emulate a tag that can respond to read / write commands from an initiator / reader without using a secure IC on the PN532?


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2 answers

The secure IC will not help you emulate tags, because they usually work at the ISO14443 4 level, where tags only handle 14443-3 commands. The only exception is mifare, which is supported by some protected elements, but some secret keys are needed to program them.

Generally speaking, most NFC chips support emulation of tags, but do not expose this using the API. It might be worth trying through the libnfc-nxp or libnfc-nci source code to see if they can be used for this.



Yes, PN532 supports both Secure Element Card Emulation and Host Card Emulation.

The commands (see PN532 user manual ) you are looking for are TgInitAsTarget

(to bring the PN532 to host card emulation mode) and TgGetData

/ TgSetData

to then communicate with the reader (see this answer on how to port the PN532 to HCE mode).

If you want to read and write NDEF messages using this approach, you can either emulate the NFC Forum Type 4 (ISO / IEC 14443-4 Type A) tag or the NFC Forum Type 3 (FeliCa) tag. In any case, you will need to implement the tag specification for that particular tag type.



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