FlashJS Flash not working at all

I am relatively new to VideoJS; I have used it successfully in all EXCEPT browsers i.e. <9. I saw several threads started and answered the RE backback answer for IE 8 and earlier.

My problem is that I cannot get the Flash backback to work at all. I am using the CDN version of VideoJS and assume that I do not need to download anything or make any other changes to my code other than what is stated in the VideoJS demo page.

In IE 7 and 8 I am not getting anything. I am not getting dynamically embedded SWF; when I check my log and do some debugging through the console, I can still see the tag; My guess is that I should see a dynamically generated and embedded .swf file to back up.

I've seen in several threads that the latest version of VideoJS is broken / Flash fallback doesn't work. I have also tried several workarounds described on various boards - nothing works for me.

Does anyone else have this problem / have you managed to solve it? fix v ("path_to_swf") doesn't work ... absolute paths don't work ... preload = "none" doesn't work ...

Any help is greatly appreciated!



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1 answer

Without sample code, I have no idea if that helps, but IE won't initialize embedded Flash objects with the style: visibility: hidden;

(including all the parents of that object). You can probably see that the Flash object is being requested by looking at the network traffic, but it won't fire any Video.js events until visibility

it is set to visible


IE9 will use the HTML5 player, and IE7 / 8 will fall back from the Flash player (so the issue cannot be seen in IE9, unless techOrder

changed to a list flash




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