Is it possible to add an instance method to a Python "Mock" object?

I would like to create an object mock.Mock()

and then add a named method session

that acts like an instance method that is passed a reference self

to the object's layout, allowing the method to add state to the object's layout. Is this possible (no manual use types.MethodType

, like using the built-in API), or should I just find a way to use it?

Note I found this question which is for Ruby and seems to cover something similar, if not the same. Unfortunately, I don't know Ruby at all.


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2 answers

If you want to improve the capabilities of a class mock.Mock

, just subclass Mock

and add your own methods.

class MyMock(Mock):
    def session(self):
        # Save session data here?


The mock documentation explains that when a new mock is created, it will be the same type as the parent. This means that the feature session

will also be available for any other layouts that are created during taunts.

This does not apply if you need to dynamically attach a function session

to an existing layout.



mock_answer = Mock()

def session():
    mock_answer.b = 1

mock_answer.session = session
print(mock_answer.b)  # 1


You don't really need to self




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