Using strrpos () with PHP

Possible duplicate:
How to make strpos case insensitive

I check to see if the string contains the text "People who love". Well the code works great! Moreover, it is case sensitive. What can I do to prevent this?

If the string "people who like to run" it returns false If the string "People who like to run" it returns true

I want this to be not case sensitive.



$string = "People who like to run";

if (strrpos($string, 'People who like') === false) {
    echo "False";
else {
    echo "True";



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3 answers

See strripos

, case insensitive version strrpos




use strripos instead


use strtolower on line before testing

$string = "People who like to run";

if (strrpos(strtolower($string), strtolower('People who like')) === false) {
    echo "False";
else {
    echo "True";




Use strripos for case insensitivity



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