How to check internet availability in C ++

I wrote one small function to check the internet connection availability.

void cis()
        cout << "internet alive";


I am using WinInet.h

for InternetCheckConnection()

. Now the problem is that I am getting the following linker error:

[Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp__InternetCheckConnectionA@12'


I am using DevC ++ for my project. Any ideas on how to fix this linker issue or any other ideas for checking an active internet connection?


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3 answers

Its a linker error. according to the documentation, you need to use a library wininet

. adding -lwininet

to the makefile might work.



For unix

    if (system("ping -c 2 > /dev/nul") == 0) {
    cout << "all good" << endl;
    cout << "bad" << endl;



    if (system("ping -t 2 > nul") == 0) {
    cout << "all good" << endl;
    cout << "bad" << endl;




It found your title, however you need to set the link to the libraries. Try adding Wininet.lib to your project (try as a file or in linker properties) and make sure the Windows SDK is correctly installed on your system.



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