Sorting DOM elements with sort () error in IE9-10

I have this code, which works fine in recent browsers Chrome, Firefox, Opera, but does not work in IE9-10:

var div = document.querySelector('#wrap'),
    para = document.querySelectorAll('#wrap p');

var paraArr = [] para ).sort(function( a,b ) {
  return a.textContent > b.textContent;

paraArr.forEach(function( p ) {
  div.appendChild( p );



Any ideas what the problem is? Is the implementation sort

not the same in IE as in other browsers? Is there even a problem here sort



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1 answer

No need for div.innerHTML = "";

as it removes sorted items.

In the sorter function, you can explicitly set the return values:

var paraArr = [] (a, b) {
    return a.textContent > b.textContent ? 1 : -1;





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