Android: the best way to get instant location in one go

I've always had some difficulty finding a good way to instantly locate the device. What I want to do is once per use of the app (like when onCreate is called from an activity). I want to know the coordinates of the device at this exact moment and not ask them again. I think the best way is something like a static class with a function like:

coordinates getCoordinates();


Some tips / snippets to give?


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2 answers

I found what I was really looking for in the answer THIS .

I only added two controls; i check if:

  • gps_loc.getTime () (or net_loc.getTime ()) is greater than System.currentTimeMillis () - 300000 (5 minutes ago). In the run () method of the GetLastLocation inner class;
  • location.getAccuracy () <100. In onLocationChanged () method as LocalListeners (network and GPS).

Hope it helps!



Use LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation

or LocationManager.requestSingleUpdate


The former will be returned immediately, but may return null if the location is no longer available.

The second one returns your data on a callback, but wakes up whatever the provider needs and gets a good seat (if possible).



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