Remove subquery from view to make it indexed.

I want to create an index for full text search.

the only problem is i, m facing subquery because index views do not allow subquery.

below is my request

select distinct a.ID,a.Title, a.Description ,b.Name as Recipe, c.Name as Taste , d.Name as CuisineType,
STUFF((SELECT ',' + Name FROM dbo.Ingredients where ID in (select IngredientID from dbo.listingIngredients 
where listingid = a.ID ) FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') as Ingredients
from dbo.Listing as a 
inner join dbo.RecipeType b on a.RecipeTypeID = b.ID
inner join dbo.taste c on a.tasteID = c.ID
inner join dbo.CuisineType d on a.CuisineTypeID = d.ID
inner join dbo.listingIngredients e on a.ID = e.listingID


I, m using a subquery to get the ingredients as a concatenation string from the ingredients table using STUFF. enter image description here

Can someone please let me know how I can remove this subquery and have the ingredients as a content string.

Please let me know

Best regards Manish


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1 answer

The XML portion of the query will cause problems even if you manage to remove the subselection.

However, all is not lost. You can rewrite the view to a part that can be indexed and the other is cheaper but cannot. For example, you can write:

select a.ID,a.Title
, a.Description 
, b.Name as Recipe
, c.Name as Taste 
, d.Name as CuisineType
from dbo.Listing as a 
inner join dbo.RecipeType b on a.RecipeTypeID = b.ID
inner join dbo.taste c on a.tasteID = c.ID
inner join dbo.CuisineType d on a.CuisineTypeID = d.ID
inner join dbo.listingIngredients e on a.ID = e.listingID
GROUP BY a.ID,a.Title
, a.Description 
, b.Name as Recipe
, c.Name as Taste 
, d.Name as CuisineType


Depending on your data model, you may not need a group. This view can be indexed

And then write another view that is not indexed but replaces the original view

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[Demo]
 STUFF (...)
FROM [dbo].[Demo_Part]


As a meta answer, I would add that if you need to index such a view (and use DISTINCT), chances are your data model made a big mistake with the data model, or that your data access code is very inefficient. It all smells like you're trying to get around bad coding and modeling techniques.



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