Disable JSTREE

Just wondering if there is any way in JSTREE to disable the checkbox?

I basically need to disable (not deselect) all my selected child nodes when I click on the parent node.


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1 answer

For this you need to create a new type (disabled). This can be done as follows:

   "types" : {
        "types": {
        "disabled" : { 
              "check_node" : false, 
              "uncheck_node" : false 


and then assign this type as

.set_type("disabled", "#node5");


More documentation here.

To disable all child nodes, create an event handler for the change_state event

$("#treeElement").bind("change_state.jstree", function (e, d) {
    var node = d.args[0];
    // here disable all child nodes




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