Closed remote host connection during communication failure while sending mail using Java Mail

I am using Java Mail API Ver. 1.4.2 to send email in a JSF 1.2- Spring based web application. I am using an unsecured SMTP connection to send mail. This email configuration works fine offline. Also tested this utility using JUnit 4 benchmark and I can send mail using an insecure connection.

When I integrate this email module with the main web application, I get the following runtime exception when I send mail.

javax.mail.MessagingException: read exception response; Nested Exception: Remote host closed connection during handshake when com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.readServerResponse ( at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect ( at javax.mail.Service.connect ( at javax.mail.Service.connect (Service .java: 176) at javax.mail.Service.connect ( at javax.mail.Transport.send0 ( at javax.mail.Transport.send (

Verified this email module with secure SMTP connection and it works great.

Anyone have an idea on this issue? Why does an unsecured SMTP connection not work when integrated with a web application?


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1 answer

I am using the email module for secure and unsecured connections. This property resulted in a problem: props.put ("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");

Removed this property for unsecured connections and now my unsecured SMTP connection works with web application integration.



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