Shards of NHibernate

Today I saw Ayende's article on NH foci . I first heard that NH supports outlines and I couldn't find any useful information / advice. So, I wanted to know the progress, is it stable? How does it handle transactions / acid properties? Does it support all NH supported databases or not? Any information would be welcome :)



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I work with NH Shards and I can say that it works well. There isn't really a lot of information and examples on the internet. As far as I know, it supports all NH databases. But it has some limitations and some features are not fully implemented.

It works well with the Fluent NHibernate API. Most of the documentation you can find is available in the JBoss Hibernate Shards Java project. The idea is the same considering that NH Shards came from HShards.

Here are some useful links:

NH Shards temporary host:

Multi-user database using shards:



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