Lua - namespace of variables inside a module

I created a module named BaseModule

with a variable template_path

and a function get_template

using this variable:

module("BaseModule", package.seeall)
template_path = '/BASEMODULE_PATH/file.tmpl'
function get_template()
  print template_path


Then I create another module called "ChildModule"

local BaseModule = require "BaseModule"
module("ChildModule", package.seeall)
setmetatable(ChildModule, {__index = BaseModule})
template_path = '/CHILDMODULE_PATH/file.tmpl'
some_child_specific_variable = 1


By doing setmetatable

, I want to copy all the variables and functions from BaseModule

to ChildModule

(let's say inherit from them) and add additional methods and variables to the new module.

The problem is that I am calling



I expect it to return , but it won't. He returns . /CHILDMODULE_PATH/file.tmpl


However, when I access ChildModule.template_path

, it contains the correct value (from ChildModule


What can I do to get Lua to use variables ChildModule

in a method ChildModule.get_template

, but not use variables BaseModule

(parent module)? There isn't this object in Lua, so how can I tell Lua to use the current value?


source to share

2 answers

I think you are still using an outdated version of Lua. In any case, you need to set the value template_path

internally BaseModule

using some function and set template_path

in the base as local

. So, something like this:


module("BaseModule", package.seeall)
local template_path = "/BASEMODULE_PATH/file.tmpl"
function get_template()
function set_template( sLine )
  template_path = sLine



local BaseModule = require "BaseModule"
module("ChildModule", package.seeall)
setmetatable(ChildModule, {__index = BaseModule})
ChildModule.set_template( "/CHILDMODULE_PATH/file.tmpl" )
some_child_specific_variable = 1


Since you are inheriting, you should not try to directly set the global variables of the base module.



I think you are trying to manipulate variables, whereas you probably want to manipulate the properties of the objects being created. Maybe something like this:

-- base.lua
local M = {}
M.template_path = '/BASEMODULE_PATH/file.tmpl'
function M:get_template()
  return self.template_path
return M

-- child.lua
local M = {}
setmetatable(M, {__index = require "base"})
M.template_path = '/CHILDMODULE_PATH/file.tmpl'
M.some_child_specific_variable = 1
return M

-- main.lua
local base = require "base"
local child = require "child"

print(base:get_template(), child:get_template(),


This will print:



as expected.

By the way, you can turn child.lua

into a one-liner:

return setmetatable({template_path = '/CHILDMODULE_PATH/file.tmpl',
  some_child_specific_variable = 1}, {__index = require "base"})


Not that you did it, but you could.



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