Windows Phone - How can I open the standard dial pad?

Simply put, how can I open the dial pad?


In addition to the accepted answer, the attribute InputScope

in TextBox

can be set to TelephoneNumber


Source: Blankenblog


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1 answer

It actually seems like it PhoneCallTask

probably doesn't do what you want.

I am not sure if this is actually possible without ringing as per my original version of the answer. However, you could emulate the screen in your own application (you can call TextBox

with InputScope="TelephoneNumber"

, which will only display numbers similar to the built-in dialpad), then use PhoneCallTask

to actually place the call.

You must use PhoneCallTask

to display the dial-up interface.

var phoneCallTask = new PhoneCallTask();
phoneCallTask.PhoneNumber = "";


PhoneCallTask ​​on MSDN.



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