What's the most reliable and popular Node.js templating engine?

Node noobie questions I hope someone wise can answer:

1) What's the most reliable and popular Node.js templating engine? I am using Express and I am thinking of Jade or EJS (Inline JavaScript).

BTW, is it possible to use templating engine when developing for Node? Or does it cause a lot of pain along the way?

2) Also, when we're on the most popular topic, is MongoDB a wise bet when it comes to a database for Node?

Pay attention to those with experience in this area.

Many thanks!


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2 answers

I recommend using ECT . It is a powerful template engine, but with very powerful features. It is much faster than many others. And have built-in CoffeeScript syntax. You can play with the demo here . Also ECT supports client side.



I could recommend EJS as it allows you to easily use plain JS in your templates.
PS Jade is a TJ project , the inventor of Express, a notable reason is not him :-)

MongoDB is a very wise thing to do and check out the mongoose module , a robust ORM.



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