SQL cursor in dynamic content
I need a little help wrapping my head around the CURSOR.
I made an aspx report, it was pretty simple. For each project, I needed to see how many hours passed in research, development and internal. This first one was pretty simple, I just hardcoded a solution with 3 groups and equal 3 time types. The boss thought it was a brilliant report, so he wanted it to cover all clients. Unfortunately, the next client had 5 groups and each group had 2-7 different types of time for each.
Now I need a dynamic solution where I can specify the groups (done) and specify what types of times go to each group (completed), lastly I need to concatenate these two with the table in which the hours are recorded.
I have a main cursor where I can list projects, type of time and how much time was spent during that time group.
What I have:
Project A - | - Group A - | - 5
Project B - | - Group A - | - 2
Project C - | - Group A - | - ten
Project A - | - Group B - | - 1
Project B - | - Group B - | - 10
Project C - | - Group B - | - 2
Project A - | - Group C - | - 0
Project B - | - Group C - | - 3
Project C - | - Group C - | - 7
The problem is that I need the report Group_Header A | group B | group C | group N
Project A - | - 5 - | - 1 - | - 0 - | - x
Project B - | - 2 - | - 10 - | - 3 - | - y
Project C - | - 10 - | - 2 - | - 7 - | - z
DECLARE @iTimeTypeGroupID int DECLARE cur CURSOR LOCAL READ_ONLY FOR SELECT iRefTimeTypeGroupID FROM tbl_TimeTypeGrouping WHERE iRefCustomerID = @customerID OPEN cur FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @iTimeTypeGroupID WHILE @@ FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT PT.iRefProjectID , PT.iRefTimeTypeID , SUM (PT.decNumberOfHours) sumNumberOfHours FROM tbl_ProjectTransaction PT WHERE iRefTimeTypeID IN ( SELECT iRefTimeTypeID FROM tbl_TimeTypeGrouping WHERE iRefTimeTypeGroupID = @iTimeTypeGroupID AND iRefCustomerID = @customerID) GROUP BY PT.iRefProjectID , PT.iRefTimeTypeID FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @iTimeTypeGroupID END CLOSE cur DEALLOCATE cur
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I'm not sure about the column names. So in this example, I expect tbl_ProjectTransaction
to have a column named projectName
and tbl_TimeTypeGrouping
with GroupName
. Like someone who entered the question, you shouldn't use a cursor in this case. You must use a dynamic bar. Here's an example:
Get the names of such groups:
',' +QUOTENAME(tbl_TimeTypeGrouping.sGroupName) -- ????
This will give you:
'[Group A],[Group B],[Group C],[Group N]'
And then do a dynamic pivot like this:
DECLARE @query NVARCHAR(4000)=
tbl_ProjectTransaction.sProjectName, -- ????
tbl_TimeTypeGrouping.sGroupName -- ???
JOIN tbl_TimeTypeGrouping
ON tbl_ProjectTransaction.iRefTimeTypeID=tbl_TimeTypeGrouping.iRefTimeTypeID
) AS SourceTable
FOR GroupName IN ('+@cols+')
) As Pvt'
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