Ckeditor enlarge screen

I am using Ckeditor for one of my projects. It has a "maximize" function where readers are in a full browser window. The problem is that when I click on the browser button, it goes to the previous page, losing the content of the form.

Can we do this so that when the browser button is clicked back, it goes back to the form instead of the previous page.

- Thank you for your time.


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1 answer

You cannot overwrite the back / forward functionality of any browser, as this would violate many aspects of security. See: How to disable the back button in IE and firefox? , / ...

In most cases, you can display a warning to inform the user about unsaved data, etc. A maximized CKEditor instance is nothing more than a block element positioned to cover the entire web page. It has nothing to do with browser navigation.

Anyway, if you want to make the editor bigger with your code:

CKEDITOR.instances.yourInstance.execCommand( 'maximize' );
console.log( CKEDITOR.instances.yourInstance.commands.maximize.state );




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