Order area in Rails 3.2.11 by has_one association

In my Rails 3.2.11 application, I have a scope that I am trying to order based on its associated attribute. In my case, I have a user model and a profile model. User profile has_one and my scope are in an attribute in the profiles table. Here's the scope:

In User.rb


def self.with_default_show
  joins(:profile).where("profiles.show_all = true")


However, the problem I'm running into is trying to declare the order. For example, running:

joins(:profile).where("profiles.show_all = true").order("profiles.first_name DESC")


Gives me an error:

PG::Error: ERROR:  for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list


I know I can do it .order("2")

, but this brings up the second column in my Users table, not my Profiles table. How do I correctly order the order in this area by the .first_name profile?


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2 answers

The resulting work was a combination of the two answers above:

def self.with_default_show
  .where(profiles: {show_all: true})
  .select('users.*, profiles.first_name')


Sorted as I hoped.



ORDER BY clause can only be applied after DISTINCT has been applied.

Also you must explicitly select for the order you are ordering.

User.select('profiles.*, profiles.first_name')
       .where("profiles.show_all = true")
       .order("profiles.first_name DESC")


As shown above, for your query to return profile attributes, you must also explicitly select them.



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