Auto instance of PrimeFaces created by custom component does not display offers

I have a problem dynamically creating a PF 3.4.2 AutoComplete component. The component renders ok completely, its value is updated on partial processing , but suggestions are never shown.

I create this control like this:

    AutoComplete ac = (AutoComplete) context.getApplication().createComponent(AutoComplete.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    final String varName = "p";

    ValueExpression ve = JSFUtils.createValueExpression("#{minContext.selected.sen}"), Sen.Type);
    ac.setValueExpression("value", ve);



    ValueExpression itemLabel = JSFUtils.createValueExpression("#{sc:senLibelle(p)}"), String.class);
    ac.setValueExpression("itemLabel", itemLabel);

    ValueExpression itemValue = JSFUtils.createValueExpression("#{" + varName + "}");
    ac.setValueExpression("itemValue", itemValue);

    MethodExpression completeMethod = JSFUtils.createMethodExpression("#{senUtils.completeAllSens}", List.class,new Class[]{String.class});


then adding it to the parent control using



The parent component is the PF PanelGrid output. I have successfully used this approach to create various edition panels and it works like a charm. But I can't figure out why it's not with autocomplete.

The parent control looks like this:

public class SenatDataTableEntryDetail extends PanelGrid {

    /** Leaving renderer unchanged, so that PF renderer for PanelGrid is used.
    public static final String SENAT_COMPONENT_FAMILY = "fr.senat.faces.components";
    public static final String SENAT_COMPONENT_TYPE = SENAT_COMPONENT_FAMILY + ".SenatDataTableEntryDetail";

    private enum PropertyKeys { mapper, bean; }

    public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {

    public boolean getRendersChildren()
        return true;


    private Boolean isInitialized() {
        return (Boolean)getStateHelper().eval(SENAT_INITIALIZED,false);

    private void setInitialized(Boolean param) {
        getStateHelper().put(SENAT_INITIALIZED, param);

    private void addDynamicChildren(FacesContext context)  throws IOException {
        if(isInitialized()) {
        /* components are instiated and added as children only once */


It just adds children to the panel.

Other aspects of declaring custom components (in taglib, etc.) are ok.

The problem doesn't seem to be with EL expressions, completeMethod definition, etc. If I include p: autoComplete initialization with the same parameters in my xhtml test page, it works as expected:

    <p:autoComplete value="#{minContext.selected.sen}" forceSelection="true" 
                        var="p" itemLabel="#{sc:senLibelle(p)}" itemValue="#{p}"


I noticed that the PF AutoComplete component is a bit special as it renders differently when a request is detected. See the autocomputer source code at .

In the "dynamically generated" case, the decode method of this component is not called. I could not find the reason for the last days, but failed.

I look forward to your suggestions on what to check to fix this annoying "error".


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1 answer

So, the problem was generating the id (see two comments).

Starting component instantiation:

AutoComplete ac = (AutoComplete) context.getApplication().createComponent(AutoComplete.COMPONENT_TYPE);
ac.setId(...some application specific unique id generation...);

final String varName = "p";


This way, the naming container is properly considered when generating the client ID.



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