Jquery ajax custom error handler

I am writing a backbone js web application on top of a JSON server that returns JSON responses to J Submit BOM format .

Here are some examples of this format:

GET / posts

 "status": "success",
 "data": {
   "posts" [
     {"id": 1, "title": "A blog post"}, 
     {"id": 2, "title": "another blog post"}


POST / posts

  "status": "fail",
  "data": {
    "title": "required"


By default, the "error" event in $ .ajax is triggered on HTTP codes, but since the JSend specification format does not use HTTP codes at all, I need to rewrite the $ .ajax error handler.

How it works by default (http codes):

  error: function() {
    // Do your job here.
  success: function() {
    // Do your job here.


How can I rewrite the $ .ajax error handler that is triggered when the body is parsed and if the "status" property is "fail" or "error"?


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2 answers

As unintuitive as it sounds, you'll have to put it in a function success

. Just check the value yourself:

  error: function() {
    // Handle http codes here
  success: function(data) {

    if(data.status == "fail"){
      // Handle failure here
    } else {
      // success, do your thing





To keep things DRY, you can use something like this:

function JSendHandler(success, fail) {
    if (typeof success !== 'function' || typeof fail !== 'function') {
        throw 'Please, provide valid handlers!';
    this.success = success;
    this.fail = fail;

JSendHandler.prototype.getHandler = function () {
    return function (result) {
        if (result.status === 'fail') {
            this.fail.call(this, arguments);
        } else {
            this.success.call(this, arguments);

function success() { console.log('Success'); }
function error() { console.log('Fail!'); }

var handler = new JSendHandler(success, error);

  error: error,
  success: handler.getHandler()




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